(760) 872-8331 (anytime)

The load is packed to a specified location and you hike to meet it. "Some hike and others ride" falls into this category.
One packer/wrangler is required to manage each 5 head of livestock. We can pack no more than 150 lbs per mule.
The bulk, volume and dimensions may require additional mules.
Rates are for use of stock to or from destination (one-way charge)
Destination Handling fee Each horse or mule
South Fork of Cottonwood Creek in Golden Trout Wilderness & Golden Trout Creek $400 $250
Cottonwood Lakes Basin $500 $350
Tunnel Guard Station and Tunnel Guard Station & Big Whitney Meadow $500 $350
Templeton Meadow $500 $350
Border of Sequoia National Park via Cottonwood Pass $500 $350
Upper Rock Creek - Soldier Lake area & Penned Up Mdw Miter Basin $675 $500
Lower Rock Creek near Crossing and Ranger Station $850 $550
Crabtree Meadow $1275 $850
Junction Meadow or Tyndal Creek and JMT $1800 $1100
Kern River at Bridge on trail from Little Whitney $1400 $750
*Operated by Rock Creek Pack Station as Mt. Whitney Pack Trains. Handling fee includes trucking of livestock to trailhead and packer's fee. Please note that there is a 3% USFS and a 3% Sequoia/Kings Canyon (SEKI) fee for travel into those areas

There will be minimum of $300 per person per day of service into the Mt. Whitney Management Area.
This includes all of Rock Creek, Miter Basin, Crabtrree and Wallace Creek areas. The 3% SEKI fee and the 3% USFS fee are in addition to the $300 fee per person.
There is a minimum of $250 per person per day of service into the Cottonwood Lakes Basin.

You can make a reservation at the Rock Creek Pack Station reservations page.

Copyright © Cottonwood Pack Station 2016-2024 -- All Rights Reserved
email us
Last updated: July 16, 2024
Cottonwood Pack Station provides all of its services as a permit holder of Inyo National Forest and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park.


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