(760) 872-8331
WILDERNESS PERMITS for our guests are issued from our commercial quota, NOT the general public quota.

Directions to Cottonwood Pack Station/Horseshoe Meadows

Located at the end of Horseshoe Meadows Road, 24 miles southwest of the town of Lone Pine, California.

The main access to the Horseshoe Meadows Road is closed. You need to use Lubken Canyon Road as the alternate access.Turn south onto Horseshoe Meadows Road when you reach the intersection. Here is a MAP of the detour.

Latitude/Longitude: 36.45172418066291, -118.17150474920052 or
36°27"06.2'N 118°10"17.4'W
Plus Code: FR2H+CC Lone Pine, California

More information on PLUS CODES.

Google Maps link to Cottonwood Pack Station.

Campgrounds: The Horseshoe Meadows Campground is the easiest and most accessible campsite for those departing on a pack trip. Part of the Horseshoe Meadow Recreation Area, it is located 24 miles from the town of Lone Pine, California. The campground has 18 walk-in sites with tent pads, shared tables, fire grates, piped water, and toilet facilities. One night stay limit.

Fees: $6/Night for single unit
Usage: Medium
Restrictions: One night stay limit at campgrounds. Wood gathering is prohibited; bring own supply of firewood. High bear activity; bear boxes are provided and
must be used (box dimensions typically 18x18x50inches)
Closest Towns: Lone Pine, CA
Water: Potable Water
Restroom: Vault Toilet (1)
Operated By: Forest Service
The Forest Service campground guide (PDF format) is located here.

All cars need to be free of food items or scented products that could attract bears. Please give your packer those items to be stored in our bear proof containers while you are on a pack trip.

There are NO PHONES at Horseshoe Meadows. Cell service is available on the road overlooking the Owens Valley just before you enter the Cottonwood/Horseshoe Meadow area.

Fishing Season and Regulations: Within the Golden Trout Wilderness, the season is open between the last Saturday in April and November 15 using only artificial lures with barbless hooks. The daily bag and possession limit is 5 fish. Special California Fish and Game restrictions apply when fishing in the Golden Trout Wilderness. Only artificial lures with barbless hooks may be used for all species. Open season is from the last Saturday in April each year until November 15. In the Little Kern River Drainage there is a five-trout limit. On the main stem of the Kern River, from the point where trail 33E30 turns east, to Tyndell Creek, there is a two-trout limit and no rainbow trout over ten inches in total length can be taken.

More details on fishing regulations for the Golden Trout Wilderness can be found at the California Department of Fish and Game website. Be sure to read them carefully and have a valid fishing license in your possession, if you intend to do any fishing. For some beautiful photography of the Mt. Whitney area, look at Greg Cope's Nature Focused Photography

Copyright © Cottonwood Pack Station 2016-2025 -- All Rights Reserved
email us
Last updated: January 15, 2025
Cottonwood Pack Station provides all of its services as a permit
holder of Inyo National Forest and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park.


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